Texture depth is a measure of macrotexture and provides an indication of the overall roughness of the surface, which assists vehicle braking and the dispersal of water from the contact areas between the road and vehicle tyres. The macrotexture of a road surface is known to contribute significantly to skid resistance, predominately at medium to high speeds.
The simplest surface texture depth measurement is the test method described in BS EN13036-1:2010 (which replaced BS598-105:2000). This test is carried out on a dry surface, by pouring a measured quantity of glass spheres of a known particle size, on to the surface and spreading it in a circular pattern with a weighted spreader. As the particles are spread, they fill the low-spots in the surface. Where the glass spheres cannot be spread any further, the diameter of the resulting surface is measured. The average diameter reading can then be correlated to an average texture depth, which can be correlated to skid resistance.
National Testing regularly carry out texture depth measurement in accordance with BS EN13036-1:2000 to determine initial texture depth of trunk roads as per the Specification for Highways Works. All our operatives hold current CSCS qualifications.
For further information about our Texture Depth Measurement service, please contact us or complete the enquiry form on this page and we will be happy to advise you accordingly.